Thursday, August 14, 2008

step by step

It has been a vigorous few weeks for the team, battling threats that were quickly dispatched. We are constantly patrolling many parts of KL city and its outskirts like Damansara. Every confrontation with a rubbish NOT in its proper place, confronting litterers with a splash of green they will not forget and spreading the word that the EnvironMENTALS are here to defend mother Earth.

Just today we found a culprit in the Pusat Bandar area, throwing rubbish on the ground, which is not biodegradeable. So we dealt with the criminal by splashing him with our special brew of natural green liquid ballons, right after he did his terrible deed. That made sure he thinks twice before doing harm to the environment.

We will be ever vigilant, and we will make sure you all will see us in action.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Then there was the beginning...

Everything needs a beginning, and as far as being part of the EnvironMENTALS, the start was a culmination of fast paced hard hitting moments, and a gradual journey. First i would like to take a moment to introduce myself beyond just the facebook profile, to show all you citizens there is a person behind the armor and helmet.

Iam a person, yes, however a part of me is lost in the fact of where humanity is headed towards in the future. It is not bright. I have seen it with my own eyes and felt it. It is a time when the human race decided to selfishly, look only to themselves, on materialistic endeavours that are endless and meaningless. A time that we collectively let our own planet die, our home destroyed and exiled ourselves to other planets that could never compare to our beloved Earth.

I will not disclose the rest of this future at this moment, because right now is our chance to change it, and that is why iam sent back here to help. Iam here to guide the community towards the path of not failing Earth again, and to inspire initiative to help save it through many would say unothodox means. I still see a potential in humanity to look beyond themselves, and see that there are consequences to our actions great and small.

The rest of the team will put their thoughts here as well. I hope that you will understand us deeper than our costumes, and see that we are part of humanity trying to nudge it in the right direction...